Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Black rainstorms a dime a dozen

Last week, we experienced our first black rainstorm warning in Hong Kong and thought it was quite exciting and novel, until another one was issued today. During the rainy season here (April through September), they are a dime a dozen apparently. There are three levels of rainstorm warnings, amber, red and black, black obviously being the worst. In contracts drafted in Hong Kong, you often find clauses excluding days on which a typhoon signal 8 (or above) or black rainstorm warning is raised from the definition of "business days." Below is the official announcement:

Black Rainstorm Warning Signal Special Announcement issued by the Hong Kong Observatory at 3:35 p.m.

The Rainstorm Warning Signal is now Black. This means that heavy rain has fallen or is expected to fall generally over Hong Kong, exceeding 70 millimetres in an hour, and is likely to continue.

Because of seriously flooded roads and inclement weather conditions, you are advised to take shelter in a safe place and stay there. Parents, students, school authorities and school-bus drivers should listen to radio or television announcements on schools. Do not attempt to travel until the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is no longer in force and traffic conditions have improved.

We also got a landslip, a/k/a landslide warning this afternoon:

Landslip Special Announcement issued by the Hong Kong
Observatory at 4:30 p.m. on 28 July 2010:

The Hong Kong Observatory has issued the Landslip Warning.
Keep away from steep slopes or retaining walls.

Motorists should avoid driving in hilly areas or on roads
with landslip warning signs.

Cancel non-essential appointments, stay at home or remain in
a safe shelter.

If you see signs of landslip danger, keep away from the area
and report to the Police.

Temporary shelters provided by District Offices are now
open. If you receive a notice to evacuate because of
landslip danger, or believe that your home is endangered,
you should make immediate arrangements to move to a safe

Hopefully, as long as we stay away from retaining walls and steep slopes and arm ourselves with a strong umbrella, we'll make it home from work today.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Come and get your ExpresSlim in HK!

We are kicking off our blog with a story from this past weekend. Last Saturday night we went into a Sasa store on Queens Road Central near our apartment. Sasa stores sell all types of beauty and health care products, and they are ubiquitous in Hong Kong. While perusing the wide selection of products, JT stumbled upon this very interesting product: ExpresSlim. The words are a bit blurred (which shall be explained later) but it says: "Specific slimming gel for love handles -8 days." On the bottom, it says "Up to -5 cm." Wow! In eight days, you could lose 5 cm off your love handles and look like the man pictured on the packaging.

I was so impressed by the results that I decided to take a picture of the product, at which point in time, an angry employee started yelling in Cantonese. When I played dumb (well, I actually didn't have to play dumb because I don't understand any Cantonese), the woman said, "Ma'am, no pictures!" Hmm... query as to why Sasa has a no-picture policy. One has to wonder. I got the picture anyway, albeit a bit blurred since I was trying to but failed to steady the camera as the woman was yelling at me.

Now that we've probably been black-listed from that Sasa store, we hope to visit some more in the future and introduce additional one-of-a-kind products like ExpresSlim. And if anyone is interested in trying out ExpresSlim, just let us know, and we'll bring some back next time we are home.